Crystals for Love: Manifesting Love & Attracting Your Soulmate

Crystals for Love:  Manifesting Love & Attracting Your Soulmate

Rose Quartz to be a love magnet: One of the most powerful crystals for love is Rose Quartz because it opens your heart to love of all kinds. If you’re wondering which crystals attract love the most, you simply have to start with Rose Quartz! Keep Rose Quartz by your bedside, and also in your purse, pocket, or bra. Each night before you go to sleep, place Rose Quartz over your heart. It’s one of the best crystals for manifesting love because it fills you with the vibrations of love very powerfully; so much so that you can’t help but radiate it out like a magnet! Rose Quartz love is an uplifting kind of love because it begins with you and is not conditional on someone else’s feelings, relationship status, or anything like that.

Rhodonite to let it go: The Rhodonite meaning helps to clear away any negative energy that no longer serves us. It helps us let go of any turmoil or pain so we can reach a place of forgiveness and move on from whatever is holding us back. Work with this stone to release yourself from the emotional shackles that are preventing you from achieving the kind of love you desire….and deserve. The pink and black markings of this gem work in tandem to release us from negativity or trauma and activate forgiveness and contentment, clearing the way for love to fill the space the darkness has left behind. This stone can also activate the solar plexus chakra, offering compassion and empathy for others and ensuring all your actions are motivated by love.

Malachite to get to the heart of the matter: Dating back to the ancient Egyptians as early as 3000 BC, Malachite is the gemstone of transformation, working to clear and cleanse all the chakras. With its intense green coloring, the Malachite meaning gets to the “heart” of what may be holding you back. Use this stone to help connect with, and understand, yourself, build a positive self-image and dig deeper into your own beliefs and feelings and your internal relationship with love. Ironically, putting yourself first will make a place for others in your heart. The love you show yourself will permeate through so that, once you are at peace with who you are, you can share the best of yourself in all your relationships. It’s one of our favorite crystals for self love and confidence because you approach romantic relationships with others from a place of security with yourself, not a place of feeling like you are incomplete or lacking in any way.

Aventurine to be your lucky charm: When it comes to attracting love, you may need a little luck on your side. In that case, reach for Aventurine, a stone of luck and success that also happens to be a powerful heart chakra stone. Keep this crystal close to you throughout the day as your “lucky charm” for love.

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